Tuesday, July 16, 2013

seems like everything keeps going wrong when I don't need more drama. my anxieties are high and nothing seems to be going rightof course I went through the hell of selling my truck only to buy a car that has wiring problems then my daughter's birthday is coming up and I'm low on cash and wouldn't you know my dryer dies when it comes to me its Murphy's Law all the time what can go wrong will . now I'm not saying others don't have it worse but what I'm trying to say is when it rains it pours in my life I just want one day off no drama and for things to go right. depression been on and off things I already set it off more and more I'm starting to develop fears about stupid things like driving which I've done since I was 16 I just don't know what to do anymore soon I'm going to be a nutcase care to do anything or of everything. and when people owe you 16 hundred and above and will not pay you and give you the run around for months and months knowing you need the money more than anything in this world right now it's the most frustrating thing that you could ever imagine I just can't seem to take much more of this

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